Thursday, September 18, 2008

Half way to Health? Half way to Happiness?

Well, I'm half way to something! If you didn't already know, I have been on the Tara Christensen weight loss program since the beginning of June. Really that's called Jenny Craig! Yeah, me and Queen Latifah. Yesterday at my appointment the scale showed I had passed my half way mark! So since June 4 I have lost 26.2 pounds! and I have lost a total of 30.6 inches around my bust/hips/waist/abs. Funny thing is, only about 5% of that is around my bust. So, yeah, we know that I do indeed carry the bra size for the entire family! =-) I was going to put a picture of me in my bikini on here, but decided to spare you! I'm not in THAT kind of shape yet. I obviously have a big chunk to go to reach my goal...but at least I'm showing some progress!


Ben, Amy, Isabelle & Olivia said...

Wahoo! Seriously, if someone said I'm going to lose 25lbs in the next two months we would all say WHATEVER!!! Congrats to Jenny Craig for a program that really works!

I also love your "man of the week!" He could help me get into better shape if we jogged together!

Colleen Christensen, Photographer said...

FAN-FLIPPIN-TASTIC!!! Good for you, Tara!!! Remember when I used to work at Jenny Craig, right after college? I used to eat the lemon cakes on my break... they were yum! LOL! Congrats on meeting your half way goal!!! Celebrate with a sassy new pair of shoes or something...

Sarah said...

Yay! Good for you. I am proud of you and can't wait to hang out in a couple weeks! Long live bee reunions!!